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[LM3S2965] Motor Controller

[LM3S2965] Motor Controller

LM3S2000 시리즈는 PMW 6ch, Encoder 2ch, ADC 3ch, CAN 의 특히모터 제어용으로 특화되어 있는 MCU이다. Luminary Micro사 특징은 대부분의 시리즈가 코드 호환 되므로 개발에는 어려움이 없어 보인다. 모터 제어용으로 사용해 보면 좋을것 같다.


The LM3S2965 microcontroller is based on the ARM Cortex-M3 controller core operating at 50 MHz, with 256 kB single-cycle flash, 64 kB single-cycle SRAM, two CAN controllers, Systick timer, four 32-bit or eight16-bit general purpose timers, watchdog timer, two SSI / SPI controllers, two I2C interfaces, three analog comparators, three UARTs, 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with four input channels, six motion-control Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) outputs, two Quadrature Encoder Inputs, battery-backed hibernation module with RTC, low drop-out voltage regulator, brown-out reset, power-on reset controller, and up to 56 GPIOs.

Summarized Features

CAN UARTs GPIOs SSI I2C Analog Comparators ADC Channels PWM Pins Quadrature Encoder
LM3S2965 2 3 3-56 2 2 3 4 6 2
LM3S2950 2 3 10-60 2 1 3 6 1
LM3S2948 2 3 12-52 2 1 3 8
LM3S2939 1 3 18-57 1 1 3 3 4 1
LM3S2918 1 2 15-52 2 2 2 8 - -
LM3S2911 1 3 21-60 2 2 2 - - -

LM3S2965 회로도
