MSP430FR5739 EVM - ADC테스트 (전압값에 따라 게이지 그래프 표시 하기)
MSP430FR5739 EVM - ADC테스트 (전압값에 따라 게이지 그래프 표시 하기)
ADC10_B features include:
- Greater than 200-ksps maximum conversion rate
- Monotonic 10-bit converter with no missing codes
- REF Module 1.5V, 2V and 2.5V
- Sample-and-hold with programmable sampling periods controlled by software or timers
- Conversion initiation by software or different timers
- Software-selectable on chip reference using the REF module or external reference
- Twelve individually configurable external input channels
- Conversion channel for temperature sensor of the REF module
- Selectable conversion clock source
- Single-channel, repeat-single-channel, sequence, and repeat-sequence conversion modes
- Window comparator for low-power monitoring of input signals
- Interrupt vector register for fast decoding of six ADC interrupts (ADC10IFG0, ADC10TOVIFG,
MSP430FR5739 ADC 블록도
MSP430FR5739 ADC 초기화 함수
ADC에 사용할 포트를 설정하고 레퍼런스 및 해상도를 설정할 수 있다.
// Sampling and conversion start
#define ADC_Start() (ADC10CTL0 |= ADC10ENC + ADC10SC);
void AdcInit()
// Configure ADC
P3SEL1 |= BIT0;
P3SEL0 |= BIT0;
ADC10CTL0 |= ADC10SHT_2 + ADC10ON; // ADC10ON, S&H=16 ADC clks
ADC10CTL1 |= ADC10SHP; // ADCCLK = MODOSC; sampling timer
ADC10CTL2 |= ADC10RES; // 10-bit conversion results
ADC10MCTL0 |= ADC10INCH_12; // A1 ADC input select; Vref=AVCC
ADC10IE |= ADC10IE0; // Enable ADC conv complete interrupt
ADC 제어 레지스터 - 채널 설정
MSP430FR5739 ADC 테스트 동영상
MSP430FR5739 ADC 테스트 예제코드
unsigned int ADC_Result;
void main(void)
unsigned int cnt = 0;
//Serial Init
DebugPrint("ADC Test Program.\r\n");
ADC_Start(); // Sampling and conversion start
__bis_SR_register(CPUOFF + GIE); // LPM0, ADC10_ISR will force exit
DebugPrint("adc=%d\r\n", ADC_Result);
// ADC10 interrupt service routine
#pragma vector=ADC10_VECTOR
__interrupt void ADC10_ISR(void)
case 0: break; // No interrupt
case 2: break; // conversion result overflow
case 4: break; // conversion time overflow
case 6: break; // ADC10HI
case 8: break; // ADC10LO
case 10: break; // ADC10IN
case 12: ADC_Result = ADC10MEM0;
break; // Clear CPUOFF bit from 0(SR)
default: break;