

nexp 2007. 6. 24. 00:51


FreeScale사의 RS08을 디버깅 및 프로그램 할수 있는 보드로 RS08KA2 8pin 2KB MCU와 open-source BDM이 포함되어 된 간단한 PCB 보드입니다

The EValue8 tool provides a cost effective debug solution for Freescale S08 and RS08 8-pin MCU. The tool utilizes the
modified version of the popular open-source BDM (OSBDM) solution from the internet for in-circuit emulation and device
programming. The complete open source BDM (OSBDM) design can be obtained from 8-bit message board at
http://forums.freescale.com. The tool comprises on board 12V DC-DC converter for RS08 flash programming support and a
built-in 8-pin through hole socket for convenience 8-pin MCU evaluation. The tool reserves space for unpopulated
connections to an additional variable resistor and a push button circuitry